The Parent-Student Relationship In College Searches


As more and more students are approaching college admissions season, it’s important for them and their parents to be prepared. For students, this is often considered to be one of the toughest choices they’ll have to make. For parents, this is a time where their ability to allow their child to become independent will be tested. That’s why it’s so important to remember, as a parent, to be more of a sounding board. Meaning, be available for your student if he or she wants to bounce ideas off you or weigh pros and cons of taking a certain path. Try not to press your own agenda, such as pushing toward your alma mater or another school you think would be a perfect fit. Ultimately, your child needs to have some ownership over college decisions but will find value in the counsel you can provide. Encouragement is also important, as is celebration. Help your child celebrate the wins when college acceptances arrive and be there for him or her when dealing with the heartbreak students often feel upon learning their application materials did not make the cut. Encourage them in these moments to get back on their feet and find pride in the rest of their preparation. To learn more about the ways you can prepare as a parent for these challenging times, check out the resource featured alongside this post.

The Parent-Student Relationship In College Searches for more information on the college search process, be sure to check out the Encourage App

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